Scientific Consensus Paper
Scientific recommendations for Edwards Aquifer Protection signed by numerous scientists, engineers, and planners.
GEAA Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan
The Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan is a vision and a plan for the protection of the heart of Texas - the Edwards Aquifer and its Great Springs. The Protection Plan was written by individual citizens and citizen-based organizations from Austin, San Marcos, Hays County, and San Antonio, who have come together as the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance to advocate for protection of the entire Edwards Aquifer region, from Salado to Del Rio.
Reforms for Aquifer Protection
Recommendations for City of San Antonio codes, ordinances, and policies
Protecting the Edwards Aquifer
Vulnerability, contamination, effects of development, and inadequacy of engineered controls
AGUA Region L Plan Comments
Comments to group developing a regional water plan for South Central Texas pursuant to Senate Bill 1, 75th Legislature.
Contaminants in the aquifer
A summary of incidences of carcinogenic solvents detected in the Bexar County portion of the aquifer.