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Developer asking City Council to sweeten PGA Tour Deal

Documents & News
Ordinance changing the Non-Annexation & Water Provision Agreements
Amended Water Provision Agreement
Close to Halloween, the PGA monster rears its ugly head again
Golf resort amendments stir old battle
CoSA PGA Agreement homepage

City Council will vote Thursday, October 12th on changes to the "non-annexation" agreement with Forestar Real Estate Group, developers of the PGA Tour resort. A report in the Express-News notes that the "developer formerly known as Lumbermen's Investment Corp." is now asking to use Edwards Aquifer water for golf course irrigation.

Take Action Now!

Contact your Mayor & City Council member and tell them that enough is enough; to vote against all changes to the PGA Resort deal. Better yet, come to Thursday's Council meeting to speak out against the proposed deal.

City Council Vote on PGA Resort Development Agreement

DATE:Thursday, October 12, 2006
TIME: 9:00 am.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 103 Main Plaza
AGENDA: Item #6. See City Council Agenda for more information.

What do the PGA developers want?

  • Seventeen additional months for building hotels and golf courses
  • Use of the Edwards Aquifer for watering the golf courses
  • and more...

AGUA opposed the original development agreement and is against any changes that would keep the deal alive. Ironically, one of the main selling points for the original agreement was that Edwards water would not be used for golf course irrigation. In spite of that, San Antonio Water Systems' board approved a new water contract on September 7th.